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HTML coding

You already have everything you need for the students to make their own webpages in your #MakerSpace.

Note: There are many programs out there that will do this for you now but once and awhile it doesn't lay out the page you want. Knowing HTML coding helps. This is important before learning Javascript.

You need:
  • a computer
  • a web browser [Chrome, Firefox,...]
  • NotePad [free with Windows]
To create web pages, follow the steps below.
  1. Open Notepad.
  2. Type in the HTML code
  3. Save the file with an html extension. The default is txt. Don't use that. It has to end in "html" for the web browser to open it.
  4. Remember where you saved the file.
  5. Open the web browser. Google Chrome, FireFox....
  6. Hold down the CTRL key and press O [ CTRL/O] for Open file. 
  7. Find the HTML file saved on the computer or USB drive. 
  8. The student can now view their webpage. 
  9. Go back to NotePad to make changes to the webpage. 
  10. Switch back to the web browser. 
  11. Hit Refresh in the web browser and the webpage is automatically updated to the changes just made in NotePad. 
  12. Continue until they like their webpage.
Because of the typing involved this is for Middle School and High School ages.

Website resources on HTML
Learn HTML coding

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