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Sorting in Excel problem.

I got a phone call the other day from a past student and friend because his sort wasn't working. The column wasn't sorting.

I asked him to go to another column.  We went through the steps to sort that column and it worked perfectly. We then went back to the one he wanted to sort. Went through the steps again. He said it still didn't work. He said the first part was sorted and then it started over at row 23! 

I then knew the problem. I asked it there were spaces before the words in the first section that was sorting by itself. He said yes there was. That was the problem.
Those cells with spaces at the beginning of the cell were sorted together in alphabetical order and those with no space before the text sorted together in alphabetical order afterwards.

He asked if it was that simple and it is but it is not. Little things like this cause many headaches and tears.


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